Using public WiFi... is it Safe?

Using public WiFi... is it Safe?

Is it safe to use public wifi? Long story short, It is not

According to a study made by Kapersky, approximately 24.7% of public WiFis in the world do not use any encryption at all. This means nearly a quarter of WiFi antennas are open to send or receive data without any security protocol.

Accessible almost everywhere these days. Public WiFi is so convenient that the consequences are very often overridden, or completely forgotten about. There’s been a time when all of us have succumbed to the desperation of needing to respond to a crucially important email, our only saviour being the public WiFi at Costa Coffee down the road.

Convenience is key, right? Until you’re left completely vulnerable to the risks associated with connecting to open, unsecured WiFi networks.

The difference between public wifi and private networks

Private networks are exactly that – private. The traffic that you generate by searching on Google, Facebook, or Instagram, is safely hidden behind a layer of encryption that we’ve come to know as our WiFi passwords. Passwords are not used for open networks (making it an unencrypted network), meaning that anyone curious enough to take a look into the router can snoop on your searches.

Now, if you’re using the network to swipe left or right on Tinder, you’re probably going to be just fine. You might generate a few giggles maybe. However, don’t be fooled into thinking that you can browse anything that tickles your fancy and no one will take notice – very, very untrue.

Let's face it, most human beings can be nosey and if you say you’re never nosey, well .... That’s not to say that your average non-IT-savvy individual enjoys spending their time nosing through routers by choice, however, the individual or co-operation supervising the router may well do.

Cybercriminals and Public WIFi

Cybercriminals seek and indulge the benefits of snooping through piles of your data. Purchasing software tools and devices that help hold their hand in hacking into your personal accounts and stealing your login credentials, is an essential strategy in their success.

Man in the Middle attack


A Man in the Middle attack – one of the most common dangers opposed on open networks. Similar to snooping, a MitM attack is a form of eavesdropping. How the internet works is when you are connecting to a network, data is transmitted from your machine to whichever website or service you’re using. During this transmission, an attacker can tiptoe into the cracks and crevices of the data and study exactly what you’re searching and inputting. Creepy, right?

Did you know that hackers can install Malware on your computer or device just by you connecting to the internet? Code written by the hacker can be created specifically to inject malware onto your device, into a precise vulnerability in the software or operating system that you’re using.

What’s even more frustrating than obtaining malicious software in the first place, is that complete disposal can sometimes be both a lengthy and pricey process.

Fake IDs don’t just exist in the world of underage clubbing either. The fact that a harmful WiFi domain could be impersonating a company or destination (also known as a “rogue access point”), is something that generally goes over our heads.

For example, say you’re out for lunch at Best Sandwiches and you want to connect to the restaurant’s public WiFi. You go to search for an open WiFi network, and see one named “Best Sandwiches free WiFi”. This must be their network, right? Wrong. You are now connected to a “rogue hotspot” set up by Cybercriminals. They have gained access to your private information, but you’re none the wiser and that’s the idea behind it.

Hackers wouldn’t be hackers if they weren’t annoyingly cunning and crafty.


So, it’s all well and good to be aware of these possible threats, but how can you prevent them from happening?

Professional advice to protect yourself when you're using public WiFi

  • Never allow your phone to automatically connect to open WiFis
  • Do not log into private accounts when using unencrypted networks, e.g. online banking
  • Turn off your WiFi and Bluetooth when they are not in use
  • Disable file sharing on your mobile
  • Check that every site you visit begins with HTTPS
  • Install a VPN, such as Norton WiFi Privacy, to protect your privacy
  • Log out of accounts once you’re finished using them
  • Always ask a member of staff for their WiFi name and password

Not logging in to open networks at all is also an option… just so you know.

Safe surfing!

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