Private Cloud, Public Cloud Or Hybrid Cloud?

Private Cloud, Public Cloud Or Hybrid Cloud?

Cloud computing has become a very trendy technology in the last few decades because of the benefits it provides to business owners such as cost reduction, scalability, etc.

To take advantage of all these benefits, migrating your applications to the cloud should be done in light of the recommended practices. One of the first recommendations is to differentiate between public cloud, private cloud, and hybrid cloud.

To understand these items, you have to know first what an on-premises data center is.

I. On-Premises Infrastructure

An on-premises infrastructure is established on-site as a data center. The implementation of this solution makes the owner of the data center the first and only responsible for its security.

The on-premises solution is regarded as immune, personally controllable, and physically monitored via Network Video Recording (NVR) systems. Capital expenditure (CapEx) is required for on-premises infrastructure solutions, which implies significant sums are required to purchase, upgrade, and maintain the equipment.

In other words, a corporation must spend a significant amount of money not only to purchase products but also to ensure that the environment complies with standards such as cooling systems, fire alarms, and so on.

II. Public Cloud

Instead of operating software on local equipment in your own data center, cloud computing allows you to use resources provided by public cloud providers (PCP). As a PCP subscriber, you will be exposed to three different types of cloud services:

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): Provides networking resources, critical processing power, and data storage as cloud infrastructure components.
  • Platform as a Service (PaaS): Mostly for developers, it offers a cloud-based development and deployment environment with tools to assist you in creating everything from simple cloud-based applications to powerful, creative, cloud-enabled business solutions.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): A software distribution model in which a cloud provider hosts and makes ready-to-use applications available.

III. Private Cloud

The private cloud is described as computer services provided to a chosen group of users rather than the broader public across the Internet or a private internal network. Private cloud computing, also known as an internal or corporate cloud, provides businesses with many of the benefits of a public cloud, such as self-service, scalability, and elasticity, along with the additional control and customization available from dedicated resources over an on-premises computing infrastructure.

Furthermore, through business firewalls and internal hosting, private clouds provide a higher level of security and privacy, ensuring that operations and sensitive data are not accessible to third-party providers. One disadvantage is that the IT department of the organization is held accountable for the expense and management of the private cloud. Consequently, private clouds are required.

A combination of public and private cloud is called a hybrid cloud. So what is a hybrid cloud?

IV. Hybrid Cloud

A hybrid cloud is a system in which an enterprise uses both public cloud services and on-premises solutions. This form of cloud infrastructure can be utilized for projects that require resources from both private cloud and public cloud.

Now that we have differentiated between the types of cloud you can implement, we will focus on the public cloud.

To select the most convenient cloud provider for your business, there are many parameters to consider, such as your estimated payment cost (monthly or annually) or the SLA (Service Level Agreement) that the cloud provider can offer for your critical applications. Another significant indicator that can help you select a convenient cloud provider is the Magic Quadrant for cloud infrastructure and platform services given by Gartner.

A classification of cloud providers is provided every year by Gartner, relying on several concepts such as the ability to execute and the completeness of vision, etc.


Making a good decision about the sort of infrastructure you wish to adopt is crucial to your company’s success. That is why we strongly advise you to do a thorough, in-depth, and well-informed analysis of this major decision. We also recommend seeking the guidance of professionals and cloud solutions architects who can help you reduce the cost of your infrastructure.

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