Does My Business Need A Hardware Refresh?

Does My Business Need A Hardware Refresh?

If you're in business, then you're definitely reliant on the latest technology to help you get through your daily tasks. There is nothing more frustrating than cluncking your way through the day with systems and hardware that are not up-to-date. Your PCs, servers, printers, and other equipment will not live forever, no matter how well kept they are.

Taking a closer look at your set-up and assessing your current hardware can revolutionise your working day. A hardware refresh is a strategic overhaul of your IT infrastructure. It is when you replace your entire network, your technical equipment, including all of your workstations, firewalls, and servers, in a safe and effective manner allowing you to improve your business operations.

New hardware not only boosts your output, but also reduce downtime, and improves overall productivity.

Why is necessary to refresh your hardware?

Computers age and slow down. Even with great maintenance, the average lifespan of an office computer is three to five years.

Your technology is getting out of date or obsolete as time passes. Slower computers indicate less productivity and a worse return on investment. Many modern applications and software will not function on outdated hardware.

As the processing power of newer machines improves, staying on top of the latest technology will enable you to get more out of your PCs.

Security flaws in older hardware solutions are also ticking time bombs. These are just a few of the many reasons why a hardware refresh is essential for remaining on top of your game.

8 Signs that it's time to refresh your hardware

Here are eight signs to look out for. If you see any of these, it may be time to upgrade your hardware and reap the benefits that comes with it:

  1. Bugs
  2. You have a lot of issues and downtimes. Simple chores are getting increasingly difficult to complete.

    It may take several minutes for a workstation to boot up. A software or a small document may also take too long to load. And you see your employees fidgeting, looking annoyed with their machines.

  3. Failed updates
  4. Updates frequently fail to finish or cease delivering. Updates should offer stability or improvements. Start looking at your hardware if they're failing on your machines.

  5. Outdated software
  6. Compatibility has already shown to be a problem. Your hardware is no longer capable of running the software and applications required to run your business. Because your existing hardware isn't up to the task, you'll need to upgrade.

    If your PCs are really old, you may not be able to install the most recent software, such as Microsoft 365, putting your company behind the competition.

  7. Loss productivity
  8. Employees become frustrated as they wait for a page to load or a picture to upload. Nobody enjoys twiddling their fingers as a simple document loads, or closing three programs simply to open one.

    This type of productivity loss is subtle, and improving your system can result in significant benefits you didn't realise were feasible.

  9. Running out of storage space
  10. It's probably time for an upgrade if your team is constantly requesting external hard drives or relying on the cloud to store files instead of your aging machines. However, if your computers are still relatively new, upgrading to a larger hard drive or SSD may be a better option.

  11. Startup and shutdown are slow
  12. If your computer takes an unusually long time to start up or shut down, it could be a sign that it is nearing the end of its life. It's also possible that when you turn on your computer, too many applications are set to load automatically and operate in the background of the operating system.

  13. Increasing costs
  14. Look at your current IT costs to see how much maintenance costs your company. Maintaining older hardware is costly. You could be better off spending the extra money on a new system.

  15. Competitors perform better
  16. Consider your industry and competitors as well. Are there software and hardware standards that new services are based on, and can your equipment support them? Is it possible that the enhanced efficiency that comes with bringing in new equipment will provide you a competitive edge?

    Is your business suffering from three or more of these signals? Then it's time to focus on your business facilities and equipment. Discover everything you need to maintain your business IT with our Small Business IT guide. Hardware, software, best storage options, outsourcing or full time IT?, costs and testimonials from our clients.

    How much cost to invest in new hardware for your business?

    A hardware refresh will most likely be less expensive than you expect. The price of a new desktop depends on the specifications, and costs vary widely, and might start as low as £500.

    Also, having as much RAM and the quickest processor you can afford within your budget should ensure that you can handle software and OS upgrades until it's time to upgrade again!

    You'll also have monitors, keyboards, mouse, and other peripherals available already that are totally compatible with any new equipment, so you won't have to buy them.

    Cloud computing has reduced the need for ever-increasing storage, so you may be able to obtain a computer with a solid-state drive that has less space but with significantly improved performance at a lower cost.

    Ensuring ongoing business efficiency requires regular hardware refreshment. A system refresh involves the comprehensive replacement of your entire system, including any aging or slow-performing hardware components. However, when making the decision to refresh your infrastructure, careful consideration of the potential business impact is vital. If your organization's competitiveness is being compromised by sluggish hardware, it is high time to take proactive measures and embrace a transformative change.

    Your refresh cycle is determined by the capabilities and requirements of your hardware. Regardless, the increased efficiency, production, and employee morale are well worth the investment.

    Need help refreshing your hardware?

    We can help you choose the right equipment to your business.

    Tell us about your technical needs and we will recommend the ideal solution for you.

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